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Bicycling with Butterflies - Author Event

In 2017 Sara Dykman became the first person to bicycle the entire route of the migrating monarch butterfly. She traveled from Mexico to Canada and back on old mountain bike weighted down with all the supplies she would need for nine months on the road. Along her 10,201 mile route Dykman gave presentations to people about the monarchs and what people can do to protect the migration. She became a voice for the monarchs. Now her voice has the potential to travel even further, with the launch of her book, Bicycling with Butterflies. Part science, part adventure, part love letter to nature, Dykman hopes her book will inspire people to see the beauty of our own backyards and the power each of us has to be part of the solution.

You are invited to join Dykman at 6:30 CST on April 27th for an online author event hosted by Sierra Club's Northwest Iowa Group. Hear stories from the road, learn about local monarch conservation efforts, and participate in a Q&A. The event is free. Regester today at Order your copy of Bicycling with Butterflies from ??? on or by April 27th for a signed copy. Order soon, as the first 30 copies will include a free art print made by the author. More information about Bicycling with Butterflies can be found at

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